
Showing posts with the label Him

Make Him Laugh

All in all theres nobody else who can make you laugh as much as he does. I wanted to send you something that would make you smile but the mailman told me to get out of the mailbox. Brain Out Level 193 Make Him Laugh Solution Puzzle Game Master I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair. . Wrap them around the candy to add some trick to his treats. A guy whos got a sweet tooth and a dirty mouth will get a laugh out of a set of candy bars adorned with the rudest insults ever. 15 Funny Quotes About Love For Him From the Movies 1. Want to watch a scary movie tonight. You dont have to worry I can protect you. Instead try and time it so your text comes out of the blue to make it look a bit cheeky and avoid texting him back too quickly to keep him on his toes and make him want you even more. Use the following texts when you not only want to make him laugh but you also want to make his heart melt....